25 December 2006

My Favorite Time

This has been an incredible Christmas so far, and I anticipate more great things to come. Melissa called to let us know that my new favorite nephew has arrived! He is yet to be named (sound familiar?), but his first name will be John. Unfortunately, he's going by his middle name to avoid John confusion with other Johns in the Emmerson family. At this point I'm just happy that Johnny and Melissa keep birthing children according to my schedule. Destiny was born on my birthday; John was born on my favorite holiday (actually, Christmas Eve, but close enough).

The whole family was here at Dad's for Christmas today. I have beaucoup pictures, but I can't post them from here. (Thumbs down on leaving the sync and charging cables at home.)

Christmas is green this year. Ahh, the bliss! When so many people are seeing the White Death, I am reminded of life with grass, shrubs, and some trees that still have green foliage.

Finally, I'm blessed by Natasha. She has my heart right in the palm of her hand. And she's taking care of it. She cherishes my heart and loves me tenderly, boldly, shamelessly, and welcomingly. Her smile fans a spark inside me that causes me to look forward to the next 72 years (minimum) of our marriage. Our anniversary last week was more fun than we've had in awhile. It's good to be married to someone who is loving, imaginative, and less selfish than me. I LOVE HER!!!!

Okay, really finally, I miss the Lord. He's with me, and I know it. I'm just longing for Him right now. I'm so grateful to be head-over-heels for a Lord who never leaves me, who always teaches me, who is the one who gives both my existence and its meaning. Praise Him forever!

Merry Christmas, for the few of you who will look at this today!


jen said...

Merry Christmas to you, Erskines!

matthew said...

Hope you're Christmas continued to be great Lynn. God bless!

Liz said...

Merry Christmas, Erskines! Hope you had a great time with your family. And congrats to you, and Johnny, Melissa & Destiny on the new little one!! That's so exciting! :) Give us a call when you get home. We love and miss you!

Michael said...

Hey Erskines - I'm so glad your Christmas went well! Enjoy your stay with your family, but get the heck north again, would you? Your love of yuletide foliage is making me uneasy.

I believe the above poster meant to sign "perry"; in that case, she would be my wife, and I would echo her sentiments. We do love you!

The following conversation took place yesterday in my kitchen:

Michael Perry: I miss Lynn and Natasha

Ryan Wiedmaier: I know... I'm so glad we're stealing them from you.

MP: You are NOT stealing them from us!!!

RW: Yeah we are... dude, they'll be in Nova Scotia.

MP: You're right... *uncontrolable sobbing* *runs out of room*

Ok, so the last part didn't happen, but the conversation is a true story.

Get in touch with us soon. We need some more drinkies and pearls in our life!
- Michael