27 October 2008

Trauma in the kitchen.

Well, I survived a week without without my husband... barely!

Lynn was away for an intensive course at Acadia Div College. I kept our studio going, intensively cleaned the house, did some wood staining out on our back deck, and of course, looked after our little one :) I was so proud of everything I had accomplished, and was finishing up the kitchen on Thursday night... I decided to let vinager soak in the sink, since we have the white sinks that stain all the time (I am not a fan! - and vinager doesn't work by the way). I poured in the vinager, locked up, turned off all the lights, and went to bed.

I awoke Friday morning excited about my day. My cousin was coming to visit, I was hopefully going to finish my staining, and later that evening Lynn would arrive home!!! Carrying the baby downstairs to the kitchen, I put her in her high chair, went over to the counter putting water on for tea, turned to my right towards the sink and.............. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There, floating in my sink, was A DEAD MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot begin to describe the horror that overtook my body! I jerked away from the counter, my head swimming with the realization of what I had just the seen, and the even more daunting realization that no husband of mine would come to the rescue. I and only I would dispose of this mouse! The clock was ticking, because my company arrived at 9:00 am.

I was laughing and almost crying due to the shock and trauma of these realizations. I grabbed the phone almost without thinking and called my Dad! It was 7:30 am, but thankfully they were awake. I said, "Come here quick, Dad, I need you!!!" :) Of course he lives two hours away and couldn't come to my rescue, but I felt better just asking. "What do I do???" I was regaining my composure as my Dad, Mom, and two brothers eventually made their way onto the call, all of us laughing at the situation I was in. I thanked Dad for his advise and told Mom I'd let her know how it goes :)

I couldn't resist, but also tried calling Lynn where he was staying in the Valley. I did reach him, after all, and told him to high-tale is hiney back home this instant :) Of course that was a joke as well and we laughed together, too. Lynn thought it was tremendously funny that I was left without a husband for this obvious "husband job" that had manifested itself.

All these phone calls were for the purpose of stalling more than anything else. Pour Roya was eating her cereal looking at me like, "Why are you going crazy, Mom?" I put on Lynn's big work gloves and searched the house for an appropriate tool. I was not going to go anywhere near that creature with my actual hand! I found nothing that satisfied my picture until I came across a cleaning bucket... I instantly received a genius idea...

Without hardly looking at the sink, I turned on the water so the level would rise slightly. I then dipped the bucket into the right sink and scooped the mouse in. I had papertowel ready to capture the drips and carried the bucket right outside to the compost. I lifted the lid and dumped saying bye-bye to pour little moussy.

I went back to the kitchen, greeted by a curious Roya, and disinfected our whole kitchen. I sat down at the table, quite proud of myself, putting the picture of the floating carcus out of my head, and continued feeding the baby her breakfast.

Wow! What a woman I am!! :)



Tammy Craig said...

You are incredible, Natasha!

You are woman, hear you roar!

Angela said...

Hahaha! We are so alike. I love you Tasha!
I was empathizing with you the whole way. Mice are one of my two phobias. I don't know what I would have done, but good thinking with the bucket!
At least now you know how to kill a mouse! :-)

Anonymous said...

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! I HATE mice!! I hate rodents of any kind. Now, I know we're not suppose to 'hate', but I do, and with a tremendous passion. They make me feel so dirty, angry and like I'm gonna barf. We had so many at our old house. That's actually the #1 reason we moved. BLAH!!! Guess they come with older homes, and ours was 100+ yrs old!!! NEVER again, my friend will I share a house with a rodent. NEVER EVER again. *gag* Oh, but congrats on taking care of it all by yourself. I would have gathered up the children and hightailed outta there!!

Anonymous said...

I'm at least glad that it was already dead when you found it. That way you didn't have to go hunting at all. If only we could be so lucky with our giant spiders...