04 August 2009

Long Days

What is it about summer anyway? We so look forward to it, and it comes. We pack our days full of so much, and we love it! The days are long...not just outside, but inside, too. Why do we run around so much in the summer and find it refreshing, when doing half the running around in the winter is exhausting? Is there a scientific explanation for this? There should be. Someone smarter than me, what is it?

(Oh, and try my new find.)



thrills said...

hey lynn, just checked out your food site. looks like some yummy stuff! Karen and I really enjoy cooking together as well, although we haven't had as much time lately.

have you found eating for your blood type making much difference in how you feel and health issues? I thumbed through that book once, but you never know if someone's really on to something or if their a crackpot so i never tried it. Probably mostly cause i'd have to give up steak. Anyway, just curious.


Erskine said...

Hey, B. Thanks!! We love trying out lots of new things. I particularly like to figure out how to make nourishing and delicious food. Time is a big one, but I'm very happy when I take the time.

As for eating for my blood type, we have investigated the book and actually do find a slight difference. (It's only slight with us because we discovered we were mostly on the right track, all things considered.) The challenge for us was that Natasha is type O, while I'm type A. That's right, the opposites. It explains a lot for us, in terms of tastes and health, but it makes planning "perfect" meals a challenge, BUT I love a challenge! We've found several food blogs and a cookbook or two that help a lot.

If you have to give up steak, I assume that means you're an A, too. I could easily be vegetarian, though I enjoy many meat dishes, so omitting most meat was easy for me...until Natasha was pregnant again. She can't take tofu's taste, smell, or even the mention of the word this pregnancy. So, I'm "cheating" a lot. :) I say it's worth the try, but bear in mind you have to be committed to a new lifestyle for at least a month before you assess it! ;)