08 May 2008

The Unexpected

"Unexpected" is likely the best word for the National Youth Choir experience so far:

1) I was asked at all. I know there are better pianists than me in Nova Scotia, but I was still invited to accompany the group. I wouldn't have expected that even if I were a recording artist!

2) It turns out the music is all a capella. I learned it so I would be useful in rehearsal, and I am - sometimes. :) Anyway, there was lots of internal hype on my part, but I was able to calm down a lot.

3) I'm still loving the experience. Somehow, not really playing anything isn't hampering the fun factor or the experience of it all. It's wonderful!

4) Serendipitously, I'm really enjoying the conductor and apprentice conductor. The former had quite a reputation for being a task master, but it turns out that most of the reputation seems unfounded. His reputation for greatness is well-placed, as he is indeed fantastic, but he's also quite generous and flexible within his high expectations of this group. He's been a delight every day! I expected to feel a lot worse about myself by this time in the week, and everyone - especially this conductor who is so much greater than I am - is contributing to a content feeling.

5) After last night I expected a lot out of the choir today. They are honestly great singers, and they really started pulling together into a great choir by the end of last night, but some of the singers were lazy today. It felt like we were pulling teeth to get everyone on board. And as Mark said at the end of the night, if 39 people are there and one isn't, that one makes the difference between good and great. It was a good day, but I expected great. Maybe tomorrow....

6) I got to talk to Natasha way more than I expected. So, so, so good. :)


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