04 June 2008

Roya - 3 months

Well, as one can imagine, my life has been immersed in motherhood since Roya was born. She is soooo beauitful to me and I cherish this time at home with her. She is quite the little character and has had a strong personality and will since day 1 :). Here is a little update on her...

Since Roya's first days, poeple have comented on how alert she is. Lynn and I tease that by three weeks, she thought she was all grown :) She loves to be a part of whatever is going on and even then (three weeks) was trying desperately to hold her head up on her own :). When you tell her she's beautiful, you will undoubtedly be rewarded with the most beautiful, girly smile :) Her smiles light up a room and her gigles and gurgles make my heart swoon! She is very playful during her good wake-times, plays shy and "flirts" with whoever is giving her special attention at the time, plays "tongue games" by sticking out her tongue and making funny faces, and loves to laugh with and talk to her friends the flowers that hang over her crib and change table :). She is now holding her head up quite well, sitting up on her own (with a little help:)), and grasping objects when I put them where she can get them. She loves her dolls and stuffed animal and is snuggly, though she prefers to be up and maving around at the same time. She just can't miss anything!

She LOVES to nurse and wants to almost all of the time!!! When her tummy is upset, her digestion difficult, or her body sleepy, she wants to nurse. I'm convinced she would stay there all day long if she could, napping throughout her light snacks :) Unfortunately... though Mama loves her snuggles and nursing times... Mama does have other things to do besides nursing and this does not always go over so well with the melancholy little one :). There are a few things that bring out Roya's temper: 1) Being cold. She loves showers with Daddy and baths with Mama, but hates when they're over and she's wet and cold!! 2) Getting dressed and getting her diaper changed. Both call for loud, torturous screams :) (though there was a period of time where she seemed to love getting her diaper changed and will still be mild-tempered when in the right mood). 3)Being put in her car-seat. She HATES getting strapped in seat because it means she's not going to be held, nor can she see anyone when driving in the backseat of the car. She used to always fall alseep to the movement once we got going, but that leads me to... 4) Falling asleep. Roya HATES falling asleep! The older she gets, the more alert and active she gets, the more she fights falling asleep. I can maybe count on one hand the number of times she has fallen asleep without crying, even when being rocked and snuggled! Sometimes she will refuse to sleep all day long, but she's so exhausted she won't play or sit or anything... She's desperate for sleep but hates it all at the same time... the result is alot of screaming :)

Even though Roya has a temper, and is quite particular about what she wants and when she wants it, and rather stubborn as all Erskines are, I cannot imagine life without her! I love that she is full of personality and strong willed. I love that she is dramatic and very much a princess :) She is our daughter, no question :)

I hope you all are well!!!


Unknown said...

So glad I got to see little princess Roya while you were in town. She's a beauty!

Why IS it that children fight sleep so much? Such a mystery! If I were given the opportunity to nap multiple times a day or go to bed at 7pm, I would never fight it. Oh they don't know how good they have it......

Anonymous said...

Hi Tash,
This is Laura Palmer. Just wanted to say that your Roya and our Malachi seem to have MUCH in common. Fighting sleep during the day, hating getting buckled into anything, and temper tantrums during diaper changes/getting dressed...oh yes... I hear you! It's so much fun to see how their little personalities shine through at such a young age, and we can already envision. What they will be like as they get older. They are so much fun.

Steph said...

She sounds a LOT like Hana, and if she is, investing in the book "Raising Your Spirited Child" will save you (and Roya!) a LOT of frustration!

She's beautiful, and motherhood shows your beauty in a whole new way! Enjoy the early days, they grow up SO fast