04 September 2008

Robbie Update

Well, Tuesday came and went, and the doctors are "intrigued" :)

They took and X-ray, which unfortunately doesn't show a whole lot of detail, so a CT scan is scheduled for next week. The doctor said, it seems as though the dislocation (it was a fracture and disclocation) of the vertabrae may have somehow, maybe, slipped back into place...

They tested Robbie's motor skills, and there was no pain and perfect function in all areas of tested mobility. This is very unusual to the doctors since patients always have a lot of pain, cannot move, and end up needing surgery.

So, Robbie started high school yesterday, with a collar on (like a brace, but a soft faom-like material that frames his neck up to his chin and down onto his chest). Yay!!! The doctors are still investigating the situation, and are not releasing him with a clean bill of health until they see the CT scan next week, where they can view the vertebrae in better detail.

SO all is well, and God is good :)
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!


Tammy Craig said...

Sounds great! God is so awesome, lol.

Anonymous said...

awesome! I can't wait for the clean bill of health. We are trusting God and praying!

Tina Joy said...

That is amazing! Praise God! I got goosebumps when I read about that.

Dena said...

Crazy! Sometimes that's how God works -- praise the Lord!