01 September 2008


I have no idea how people started hearing about Robbie's accident, but here's the skinny :).

Well, being Robbie, (my adorably handsome, ridiculously talented, and endearingly clueless 14 year old brother), he was playing with friends at a pool trying to do some sort of "shallow" dive. Obviously, he didn't know what he was doing because instead, he went straight for the bottom!! He smashed his head into the bottom of the pool so hard he chipped a tooth and fractured a vertebrae in his neck, the sixth or seventh down I think. It was awful. He was in bed in the hospital, unable to move and wearing a neck brace. He's about to start his first year of high school and he's an allstar athlete (particularly hockey and football). The doctor gave Mom three options to choose from, all of which were terrible. God has been speaking to Mom, however, very intentionally about healing for some time now. She left Robbie to pray and ask God for guidance. She was simply not okay with any of the options given by the doctor!! She turned around and there was Robbie!! He had gotten out of bed and taken off his neck brace!! Mom rushed him back to bed, but he said, "Mom the pain stopped. I really think I'm healed." The doctor came back and Mom told him what happened. The doctor must have checked him over because he sent him home for the weekend. He scheduled another X-ray for Tues to be sure.

At this point, he's not doing anything until after the x-ray tomorrow. In the meantime, though, he seems to be radically healed!!! He can move and is not in pain. Just the fact that he's home without a neck brace on is evidence of something, since a fractured vertebrae requires intensive care, no movement, a neck brace for sure, and immediate treatment. I'll never know why God has his hand on our family as He does. Robbie has big dreams and God seems to be protecting Him for what He has in store down the road :) Isn't it wonderful to know that God loves us enough to redeem us even from our silly, careless mistakes?? We've all done those!! That's why he could say to the cripple, "What is easier to say, 'your sins are forgiven' or 'get up and walk'?"

Praise the Lord! I'll update after tomorrow's x-ray.


Dena said...

Oh my goodness! God really is amazing! I will be praying everything turns out alright with the x-rays. Praise the Lord for whatever He is doing!

Angela said...

WoW! That is an incredible story, Natasha! God has his hand on your family because our Father amazingly has enough love and attention for each one of his children.
I am so blessed by this story. Thank you for sharing. I'm excited to hear more about his xrays-being completely fracture free!
Thanks also for your message. I haven't got a chance to really sort through it yet, but you are right on the money with me.
We are two from the same pod, you and I.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I echo that it indeed an incredible testimony.

We see healings all the time at Hillsong and its just built our faith that God is indeed our healer.

I am thankful that he is OK for now, and we pray a full recovery and bill of health!

Love yah!

Mommy of Four said...

Praise the Lord!! That story gave me goosebumps!! What a mighty God we serve!!

Unknown said...

Praise god, I am so happy with you and your family.

Elliott said...
