15 July 2005


If crazy thinking that drives one to start a blog happens late at night, then great thinking happens in the shower. Why is that? Is it because showers wake us up in the morning, thus stimulating our thinking? Is it the steady stream of warmth that pelts our bodies? Is it because we have nothing better to do while we go through the mindless morning hygiene rituals?

In the last week I've planned my tenth anniversary, developed an admissions counseling training packet, and put together a hypothetical worship "concert" for us - all in the combined one hour and twenty minutes I've spent in the shower.

Since I know I'm not the only one, why is this, really?


Heather Durkee said...

maybe its because most of us don't talk to anyone in the shower and therefore our mind wanders and ideas occur. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Ok Erskine, my love :-)

I miss you man! I hope things are going well for you. My story is an epistle, so I'll just say: A) Things are good, B) We are pregnant!!



Sarah Gomez said...

God talks in the shower too!! Well, God talks when WE are in the shower. I was in the shower when I first felt like God was telling me I should stay and work at my home church