01 August 2005

Reading Blogs

I have had three conversations in the last week about blog-reading. One was with someone who loves reading blogs. The other two were making fun of people who read blogs. At least one of the people who made fun of reading blogs has a blog. That struck me very odd. How many of you make fun of blog-readers? You may as well admit it - you just read my blog.


Judy said...

I am a committed blog reader...when I have the time.

Heather Durkee said...

I read blogs very regularly. How else am I going to stay tuned into peoples lives when I will be in VA and they are someone else in the world. I am even peer pressuring my family and friends to start them. I think they are great.

Mommy of Four said...

I even read blogs of people I've never met. I get bored! I love being a stay-at-home mom, but I sometimes need some adult conversation! Blogs count as convo, right?

Liz said...

Heck yes they do, Kayla! I completely understand where you're coming from! :)

Julie said...

I enjoy reading other people's blogs. Like Heather that is how I stay up to date with people & like Kayla, I too need adult convo. And yes it counts Kayla :-)

Steph said...

I'm the same, it gives me ideas and it helps me connect with people, it's also always good to get feedback on ideas and such

Richards' said...

I wish I had more time to read blogs... I have a hard time remembering to write on mine though... Blogging is how I hear all the BBC updates! Texas is a long way from Sussex, and everywhere else all you guys are living now!

Anonymous said...

Reading Blogs is my way of keeping up to date with all the bethany bible college engagements and excitement. I love reading blogs and have way too much time on my hands so i have probably read every single post of people that i know has a blog lol. btw whats up Lynn :).
-dj sykes

Mommy Rader said...

I enjoy reading blogs most of the time...however...I get bored easily. So I skim :)

Sarah Gomez said...

I go through stages.. There are times when i read VERY regularly. Then I won't even think about looking at them for a few weeks. You can tell when I'm reading though because it's also when I'm writing!