08 January 2008

Book #1 - Epicenter

I have joined a fascinating group of women who gather together for my very first book club. I never imagined myself being a part of something like this, because in truth, I don't really like the act of reading... I do, however, love being exposed to some of the most interesting ideas, authors, etc. and the prospect of discussing them with a variety of women from different backgrounds and belief perspectives. (Truthfully, our belief systems are all quite similar, but the variations exist nonetheless).

The first book we decided to read is Joel Rosenburg's Epicenter. Joel Rosenburg is a fascinating man who wrote his first novel, The Last Jihad, just before 9/11. As the real life events following the strike began to unfold, Joel and many others started to watch eyes wide as the politically thrilling novel came true...

The facts are not exactly the same between novel and real life, but the lines of events are eerily similar. Joel has since written three other novels projecting political and economic events before they happen. He has traveled the world researching and interviewing political leaders influential to the series of events unfolding in our world today.

Many have asked Joel how he knows what's coming... down to incredibly intimate details, deaths, etc... In answering this question he often references "the third lens". He says that in order to understand current events in the world right now, you must look through the lens of politics, economics, and Scripture.

Joel has an incredible gift of understanding the prophecies in Scripture. This understanding combined with knowledge and wisdom regarding politics and economics allows him to see the state of affairs in the Middle East (the Epicenter) in accordance with the end times.

The changes taking place in our world right now are so fascinating!!! I have only reached the tip of the iceberg in what I have been able to see and understand, but I am convinced, both in my spirit as well as cognitively, that we are watching some of the very events recorded in Scripture regarding the end times unfold before our very eyes.


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