31 January 2008

Pure childish stubbornness.

I am officially using this blog to vent out my current frustrations. Every now and then I get a flare of childish stubbornness and I've decided to share this one with the world.

Eating is the bane of my existence. Years ago, every time I ate, I just felt sick to my stomach. So what. I mostly ignored it and went on living in ignorance. Three years ago, things got bad and I had to eliminate all wheat (gluten), sugar, and dairy from my diet. I also had to eliminate red meat and all grains for the first little while. I had one year of marriage, learning to cook, getting used to my favorite recipes, and then... Nothing has been the same since!! Every year, every month, and sometimes every week our diet changes. We are constantly learning about new things and then trying new things. Constantly adjusting trying to find a way to make health a priority while considering budget and scheduling factors as well.

Somewhere in the midst of this pregnancy, I hit a wall of "I want to eat what I want to eat!" I want to eat comfort food like chicken nuggets and Lays original chips. I want to have ice cream and eat a dessert every now and then... I want to just eat something yummy and convenient rather than analyzing its nutrition content and spend 30 minutes preparing a simple snack! (slight exaggeration)

In some strange way, I have reverted back to my childhood days when I would sit at the table for hours with a pout on my face because I didn't like peas. Two things are different: 1) ironically I actually love peas now and hate everything else, 2) the culprit is not my mother but my husband!!

Is it so wrong that I long for routine? Is it so bad that I don't want to have to think so much about food? I want to just feel hungry and grab whatever there is to eat.

Just so you know, these rantings will all be moot in ~2 hours. I only feel this way for a short spurt and then submit back to the reality that my body has a mind of its own and cares what goes in it. Some things it accepts as nourishment, other things it rejects as poison :) Such is life :)

Respectfully submitted,


Nicole said...

I feel the same way! We changed our diet (no sugar, no dairy,) and while I crave those things at the same time thinking of eating them makes me ill. I know the consequences for eating them now so I can no longer enjoy them like I use to. On a good note... I bought the Body By God cook book. Good desserts!!!! And good meals too. You should get it. Praying for you friend!

Heather Durkee said...


is it scary that I can hear your voice reading this to me as I read it myself? I can hear the Natasha inflection and all.

Anonymous said...

pWe are also changing our diet (I FINALLY got Ell to go along with me). We don't have access to many things I would like to eat, but I am doing the best I can with what we have. After we get used to this my next step is to try gluten free.

On the chicken nugget note...Yesterday I wanted breaded chicken but did not want to use wheat, so I ground up flax seeds and used that instead. I loved it! All I did was added Mrs. Dash (MSG free, as always) and some salt and dipped my chicken in it. I did not even use any milk, water, or eggs. Just the plain chicken dipped in the flax/spice combo. Then in the oven on 210 C for about 15 min. Even Elliott liked it (who took one look at it and said "PLease tell me that's not flax seed"). Don't know if this would help your craving, but it's really good and great for baby! Hang in there, only a little while left. And the cravings generally get better after birth.


Angela said...

I love your pregnancy rantings. You are deliciously adorable, friend. ;-)

Jo said...

you're not childish, you're amusing. :P But then, I'm not a person whose body forces her to think about food (much to my own demise I'm sure).

Sarah said...

You know, I think about food a lot too. For me it was chocolate. So at the end of December I put it in the freezer and told myself I wouldn't look at it for 2 months. I'm trying to eat better altogether, and although I'm obviously in the same boat as you, I still get frustrated sometimes with trying to eat well when I crave quick unhealthy foods.