15 April 2005


They're doing a Noel-Levitz survey on our campus right now. As soon as I read the e-mail I received about it, I could just hear the moans coming out of our students' mouths. Of course, there are some students who probably jumped on it right away. Not everyone hates surveys. However, I know that somewhere deep down, so many students have probably already disregarded it.

You know who the people are that haven't filled out the surveys yet? The ones who complain the most about the school. Funny how it works that way. Maybe it's just a personality thing. I, for one, would love to have had the chance to speak my mind while I was a student, even if that meant filling out a Noel-Levitz survey. Noel-Levitz has no connection to the school, so I would have answered exactly how I felt and would have made sure my voice was heard.

Too many people assume their voice won't be heard. Well, think of it this way. If the only people who are willing to fill out this survey are the keeners (and you know who I mean), then that's the only perspective that the staff and faculty have from the students. If more people fill it out, then it's a more honest reflection of what students think.

Anyway, I'm not a student, so I'm wasting my breath.


Jo said...

Hi Erskine,
What is this survey? Can interns fill it out? cuz i want to.

Jo said...

send it to my email (it's in the pictorial) .if it is possible for me to take it as an intern. i would love for my voice to be heard.

Heather Durkee said...

Lynn, it was great hanging out with you and the wife tonight. I have yet to hear of this survey and Adam didn't say anything about it. One of my pet peeves is BBC haters. I don't like how they dislike such a great place. Sure it has thier flaws, but what place doesn't? Anyway, those anti-BBCers should fill them out anyway.