07 March 2007


Lynn and I have been experiencing the joys of a busy life in ministry! Here a few key points of interest:

1a. The fourth pastor has officially joined the IBC staff. Kaj Binderup is retiring from the ministry to Truro to be near kids and grandkids. So, as all good retiring ministers do, he has joined the IBC staff as part-time visitation/seniors pastor. We are just getting to know him, but are quickly becoming infatuated :).

1b. His wife Joan is my new favorite person on the whole earth! She's blunt, spunky, hysterical, and cute :). She and I will be ministering together in May at the women's retreat for our Baptist Association (sort of like a district). I will be leading worship and teaching on worship, while Joan is the guest speaker. I greatly look forward to this ministry opportunity!

2. Lynn conquered his first major event at IBC a couple of weeks ago. It was our 117th Anniversary service!! :) The whole day was filled with music from our choir and guest choirs, mostly from the black-Canadian churches in our area. It was awesome. A little crazy, too; but awesome :).

3. Non-ministry related - by tomorrow evening, Lynn and I will be driving a brand new Corolla! We are very thankful to our dear old car who has done so well these past three years and protected us from any serious danger... But there is a season for everything and the season of our '95, teal, Grand Prix has come to an end. God has come through once again. Isn't it the craziest thing to go from a 12 year old car to an brand new one!? Praise the Lord!

4. A quote from last week:
Lynn: "You are the most patient wife on the face of the earth."
Natasha: "Was that sarcasm?"
Lynn: "No, just blatant lying."

Have wonderful day dear friends!


Dena said...

Ha, nunmber four cracks me up. At least you have humour and honesty in your relationship.

Brenda said...

A new car is awesome! Congrats! And a new car smells sooo good. My new car is now a one year old so have we entered the toddler phase? Oh joy! (kidding)

Aaron Perry said...

ah, lynner. good quote, natasha.

Heather Durkee said...

It was great to talk last night!

Congrats on your new car again!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the update. I'm happy you two are so smart! First an Apple product, now a Toyota...smart people. hehe Derrick and I own a 2005 Corrolla S. I LOVE it. Will it be automatic or standard? Just curious.

Erskine said...

Hey Nicole!

It's automatic. We'll show pictures soon!
