18 June 2007

Another update :)

1. I led worship at our baptist associations ladies retreat last weekend and it was awesome. What an opportunity! Leading worship is such a "dream job". It's like, "Hi, can you come and usher in the presence of the Lord and watch as He does wonderful things in our midst?" ..."Okay!"

2. Lynn stayed home (he wasn't exactly invited to the Ladies retreat...)and partook of a beautiful service at our church. The Lord spoke to Pastor Peter that He was going to heal some particular people in the congregation of some particular things, and a beautiful healing service opened up with God ministering to many. There are some beautiful testimonies of some people getting healed in the Lord's grace.

3. I spent a wonderful few days with Joy Green on Grand Manan Island. We had a blast and talked nonstop for days :) I also chopped my hair off, which I have been waiting to do for ages, and it felt sooo good!

4. Last evening, Sunday the 17th, we had our choir concert of praise! It was the finale for our choir this spring and they did such a fantastic job! Lynn is so gifted at drawing out their strengths and pushing them to go beyond where they think they can. It was awesome!

5. This Wednesday morning, Lynn and I are leaving for my brother Joel's high school graduation in Moncton. We are taking some vacation days to spend with the family and are very excited to see my (one of my...) studly, talented, amazing brother achieve such an awesome accomplishment. Yeah for Joel!!!

6. We have not been blogging about this, but Lynn and I have encountered a situation that is resulting in something very sad... We are losing our house. As a first time home buyer, you can carry your RSP's over for your downpayment. Lynn and I had two substancial RSP's, personal and through the Wesleyan Church. We were under the understanding that we could consolidate them and use the money towards our downpayment. The transfer took about two months and our banker changed in the midst of the process. The new banker called us when the transfer was completed and we found out we had more than we needed in funds. However, we were then informed that the pension plan through the Wesleyan church was the one kind that we are not allowed to touch until we're 55 :) We have all this money set aside for retirement, but we don't have any (or very little) for right now! We have been working on other options but none are satisfactory. We do not know what this means or where we will live. We are very sad and have been heart broken through this process. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months and what the Lord has up His sleeve...

Continue to pray for us!



Owen said...

I hope it works out for you guys. Suff like that can be really frusterating.

Unknown said...

ohhh...my heart just sunk for you when I read about your house. It must be hard, I'm sure. I'll be thinking of you guys as you continue to look for the right home to settle into.

Maybe I'll catch a peak of you guys while in Moncton! I need to see your hair in person...I can't see it on the blog cause it's sideways!!! However, I'm SURE it looks fab on you and you are as beautiful as ever - can't imagine anything not being beautiful on you!

theajthomas said...

We just bought a house last year and we used money from my RRSP with the Wesleyan church. We just contacted the people our plan is with, filled out some paperwork or something, and they sent us a check. I'd make sure your banker is right before you give up hope. Our bank had nothing to do with that transaction anyway. You have to pay it back over time though or you get taxed on it.

Dena said...

Oh, Nat...I'm so sorry to hear about the house situation. I hope AJ is right and you really can make it work. But either way, God knew about everything ahead of time (unless of course God is open theist, ha ha) and He is not thrown for a loop. He will take care of you, even if it is not the way you had planned.

On another note, I love your hair! I had to really study the picture; I thought it was long and just pulled back. Hats off to you (no pun intended), your hair has been so long forever. I like it. And I like the pic of Lynn directing the choir, it's exactly Lynn.

Heather Durkee said...

Lynn- you look so happy conducting. It makes my heart and I am sure God's heart happy you are doing music ministry.

As far as the house goes, our hearts feel for you. We will be praying for you both.

Angela said...

Morgan and I have been thinking alot of you both lately. Our hearts go out to you, as we know what a huge disappointment you felt over this house. God's glory will shine from this situation!
I LOVE your hair, Natasha! IT's sooo cute. I've been going back and forth re: cutting my hair short again. Today is a 'like it long' day, so I don't know...
We love you guys.