15 June 2007


As Tasha got on the Grand Manan V on Tuesday, I decided to walk around the side of the dock and watch the crew prepare to head to the island. I glanced at the boat and was stopped by the open deck on the top of the ferry. I was facing the very place on the Grand Manan V that was the breaking point (or, making point, rather) for Tasha and me. For those on BBC Chorale that year, you'll remember that Tasha and I both went to the upper deck to stare at the sunset. We weren't speaking because we were both confused and a little hurt, secretly madly in love with each other. (There's an imfamous picture in our home stuff to document this if you ever visit.) Suddently, Elizabeth was to my right, and she hip-checked me in Tasha's direction. We all talked for awhile, but Tasha and I eventually talked again and sorted through our (mostly my) emotions. There's something about that November weekend that was pivotal for where we are today. Staring at the spot on the upper deck of Grand Manan V this Tuesday has brought on a flood of feelings, thoughts, and gratitude for where we are today.

Today marks exactly one year from the first time Tasha and I came to Truro for our first interview with IBC. On Sunday, it will be a year from the time we attended our first service here and in which I perceived the Lord in a pillar of cloud right in front of Pastor Peter. The Lord still moves powerfully before us here! (Our spontaneous healing service has resulted in at least two miraculous healings literally on the spot, and that's just one small part of what happened among our fellowship this past weekend!)


Erskine said...

I love you, Husband! XOXO

christy said...

This blesses my heart to hear testimony of God's work in your lives! He's so good!