31 August 2007

Too Tired.

One of my hidden quirks is that I sometimes find myself hysterically funny. I know you would never guess it; but really, my sense of humor (that rarely leaves the inside of my brain) is one of my favorite things about myself :)

This quirk in particular seems to intensify under serious lack of sleep... This makes my future in motherhood look very interesting. It is only under serious lack of sleep or highly effective drugs that I would probably ever post a blog such as this! But I am just deliriously delighting in myself for no other reason than because.

This has come to my attention today because I just wrote something in an e-mail that cracked me up... Yes, I am laughing at myself. Even worse, you may not find it the least bit funny :) But, in my current state, I am perfectly comfortable with that.

As an expression of how I feel today, I wrote:
I sometimes feel like a huge boulder the size of the sky is coming toward me ready to swallow me whole... That's an exaggerated expression of how I feel about all of this change in my life all at once :)



Angela said...

So cute! I love the pictures...barefoot is so much more comfy when your pregnant!!! Have you been swollen at all? I guess maybe it's a little early for that. I'm imagining that underneath that slightly rounded apron is a really really cute bump!
p.s. I too think the boulder analogy is funny...classic Natasha...you're so cute.

Elizabeth said...

I did, indeed, find it quite funny. I have found you to be very quirky and witty on many an occasion...making you even more enjoyable! PS...you look VERY cute!