03 August 2007

Help Wanted.

Okay, what's the deal?

How do you get rid of fruit flies???!!!

I'd really like to know.



Mommy of Four said...

Do you have a garbage disposal??? That's always the source of our fruit flies. When we DIDN'T have one, it was usually because a piece of fruit in our fruit basket was starting to go bad, so I would toss most if not all of the fruit. If you DO have a disposal, we go to Walmart and in the cleaning products isle, by all the dish detergents and all (at least at ours, here in MI), there is a product for cleaning your disposal. I don't remember what it's called. It's not expensive at all, though. They are biodegradable packets that your put down into your drain and rin the water over it and run your disposal at the same time. It takes about five minutes. The flies will be gone within about 24-48 hours at the longest. I think our longest was MAYBE 24 hours. Just follow the directions on the box. I think 2 or three come in the box. Youcan et it other places, it's just cheapest there (and I'm VERY cheap:)) Hope this helps!!

Angela said...

I'm not much help...sorry!
But this reminds me of your post a year or so ago about the flies in your sunroom...and your attempt at vacuuming them. lol.
Natasha + flies = much heartache.

jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jen said...

Try this:


but remove the spaces I put in to make it fit :) Let me know how it works!

Sarah Gomez said...

Ugh - you know what I did?? I got married and moved out!!!

Haha, it's true, but seriously, if they don't have a food source, they will die off in about 24 hours. So clean out the drain as Kayla mentioned, if that doesn't help, you gotta figure out their source.

There are traps you can buy (never tried them) or traps you can make (became an expert on them).

Just search google for "how to get of fruit flies"

Oh - and good luck!!! :)

Sarah Beth said...

We have fruit flies right now and it is sooooooo gross! Seriously, it is one of my most hated things. I think the key is getting rid of anything that could attract them and it's not as easy as it sounds. Like some food got left out and that started it, and then when there was no food they went to dishes, and then today I saw some on a dish towel that had stuff on it. I mean really, come on! So, my project for tomorrow, (since it's a holiday) is to completely clean the kitchen so there is nothing left for them to be attracted to. I'm even going to wash cupboards, handles and walls, just in case. Also, if you want to get rid of a few right away and have some fun, I like to spray them with disinfectant and watch them squirm and die. I know, it's weird but it's fun. I hope this helps, if only to know that someone else is struggling with it too!

Anonymous said...

my only experience with them was in my car once...so I drove around with the windows down for a bit. maybe take the house for a spin?

Erskine said...

You guys are awesome :)


Anonymous said...

i would just like to confess that for about a week i have been secretly living with the guilt and suffering of fruit flies in the house. thank you, Natasha for your open honesty, now i too can be free and open with this burden-fruit flies-be gone!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVEATCHYOU! -mrs. perry