09 September 2006

Something About Marriage

This has been an insane week. I was prepared for my classes to start, but I was not prepared for heavy projects due in the first days of class. I was prepared for a heavy workweek, but I was not prepared for the effect of the long hours on my body. Nor was I prepared for the effect that both things would have on my marriage this week. Don't get me wrong; Natasha is being extremely gracious. My complaint is really with myself. Sometimes when you're married you know you're doing things that aren't helpful to oneness (like working a night shift only to stay up studying afterward). Then you miss your spouse a lot. You don't say anything, though, because your longing just for a brief conversation is your own fault, and you don't need to dump on your spouse.

That's the thing about marriage, though. Communicating what you think and feel is much better than holding it in because you're hurt or your spouse is hurt. Sometimes you have to feel, even embrace, the hurt to get anywhere. When you've married someone you can trust, you can hurt with them without fear of what may happen when you share your wounded heart. It is a great feeling! (And, for what it's worth, this is another reason why a good marriage is a good analogy for the God - human relationship.)


Dena said...

Good insights, Lynn. So true, so true. Sorry things are stressful, but good to know things are generally going well. By the way, I have enjoyed several of your recipes on your other blog.

Heather Durkee said...

Hey Lynn, Just thinking about you on 9-11. I still remember walking up the hill from chapel w/ you and finding out the news.

Thanks for being such a great friend.

Jo said...

Thanks for the update Lynn. happy studying. I couldn't hold down a full time job AND be a student, AND be married, so *respect* to you, pal. And *respect* to Natasha, for living in that situation! :)

Sarah said...

Hey Lynn,

I'll be thinking about you two! I can somewhat understand having just finished furthering my education - although I wasn't working for an income at the same time so I imagine it must be quite difficult. I do know what it's like to be pulled in so many different directions though. You'll be in my prayers :)