22 September 2006

Giving Glory

(If you hate moose, don't read the first paragraph.)

First, I have seen three moose in the past 48 hours. I told the Lord I'd give Him glory if I saw one back in July. Now I've seen three. Three! THREE!!! Two of them were bulls, both of whom were running across the road in front of me when I saw them. Those two were during the day. The one I saw in Bridgewater this morning actually stopped and stayed just off the side of the road so I could watch him as I drove by. He wasn't as big as the first bull. The other moose was actually the first one I saw. We were driving home the other night when we passed Myrtle Tree (see flower pics in my flickr thing). Standing off the side of the road eating leaves was a cow moose. She was gone when I turned around to show Natasha. Still, it was a moose!

Second, the Lord is amazing to speak His Word to us faithfully! I was having one of those flesh-vs-spirit times earlier today while listening to CFNI's most recent CD. ("Unto the Lamb" is just as good on the CD, in my opinion, as on the DVD.) The worship leader said, "Whomever the Son has set free is free indeed." The rhema Word of God rushed into my spirit like a whirlwind. I thought, "Yes. Free indeed." Then I spoke it out loud. My disappointment fled, and I knew the Word had been spoken so I could revel in God's freedom. I'm growing in that freedom every day. Sometimes I'm tempted to think I'm not free because I don't look like Pastor X or church-goer Y. Then the Lord reminds me that our salvation isn't about levels and lines to cross. To the contrary, it's about knowing Him more everyday. Do I know Him as completely as I can right now? I think so. Do I know Him as completely as I "should?" Probably not. Yet, somehow, He's okay with me. He loves me still. He's still faithful to speak His rhema Word to me, the kind of Word that is used in Ephesians 6 in the spiritual armor passage (thanks, Beth Moore, for pointing that out to me). We don't have to ask, "Lord, I'm not far enough or good enough, am I?" because He is enough. We don't have to be. He is the level of holiness. We don't have to reach one. He is our portion. We don't have to claim any. He is our riches. We don't have to gain any. He is our beauty. We don't have to achieve any. He is our strength. We don't have to grasp for it. He is our wisdom. We don't have to study for more. He is our everything. We don't have to look for anything else.


Elizabeth said...

Praise Jesus and preach it brotha Lynn! Surely Jesus is enough; He is "the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient Savior." ALL sufficient - to the point of swallowing our insufficiencies up in the grandness of Himself when we choose to bow before Him in humility and rejoice in the reality of Christ's supremecy, which becomes in us full freedom!

Anonymous said...

oops, that last comment was lor, not elizabeth!

Elizabeth said...

Hmm...but I ditto Lor anyway, brotha Lynn :)


Liz said...

Sooooooooooo good! :)

jen said...

I love how God has a way of making connections between things - I'm in the process of coming up with my "Big Idea" for Homiletics and your blog has brought me a couple steps closer. Thanks friend!