20 April 2006

Some tools

Randy Woodley writes in his Living in Color that Satan uses tools of division and uniformity to try and control God's plan for diversity and unity. He makes an interesting point by saying that humans often ignore their diversity, opting instead divide themselves according to their differences. Once those divisions are made, people in each division seek a culture that is uniform with their "in" group. Of course, he is referring to large cultures or racial groups.

Could this be something Christians do? Do we divide ourselves along lines of how we worship, how we interpret theology, where we worship? Do we demand a uniformity of other Christians under the assumption that all Christians do things one way? Where does diversity and unity fit in the Church theologically? How about in worship?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the report I'm writing for capstone I've been learning about the three orientations of the church. maintenance, structure and purpose are the three options. I believe what you are describing would be the purpose-orientation. A church that sets a goal, unwilling to compromise that goal but will try to find the right method to reach that goal. maintenance programs live and die by the if it ain't broke don't fix it theory. structure programs won't adjust their method but compromise their goals. Ideally all churches would be purpose driven, accepting the local people. Reaching out by addressing relevant issues, emphasising Biblical truth and equiping them for ministry. The church should not be a place full of seperation, we are one body in Christ, the body of Christ, it should be our goal to reach out to as many as we can. It should be our goal to be purpose driven.