03 April 2006

If you marry a singer...

...be prepared. At some point in your marriage you'll get a night like tonight in our home. We've traversed skies of styles and wandered continents of content. Right now it's "Hopelessly Devoted" (not bad), but a minute ago it was "There Are Worse Things I Could Do." And we're going through the entire songs. To think we started this evening with worship. Pretty soon "Therapy" will get into her head for the fourth day in a row. She'll mumble through the words until...you guessed it..."Go drop dead!"

And I actually think this is endearing. Somewhere in there, I must be crazy. Oh well, if you can't beat them...

"I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you, come rain or come shine." (I'll finish the rest of it offline.)


Sarah Gomez said...

ah, but she's got such an amazing voice! Whats not to like??

jen said...

Oh, Lynn. You crack me up.

Sarah said...

Ben married a singer. I like to make up songs about anything and everything. Then every once in a while I get some silly old' song in my head and start singing it. Like today in the midst of my stress and frustration of studying I broke out in loud course to "Micheal row your boat ashore." Ben didn't want that song in his head, so he started singing loudly, "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time..." I then reverted to songs that I sang in my 5th grade musical "Feeling Good" and well, I could go on. Isn't it amazing how the musical mind works? I mean, I can't recall any tests that I wrote in 5th grade, but I could sing you a good portion of the musical that I took part in? Exams in high school? Forget it! But ask me to sing the songs I sang in TnT and when I travelled and I could do it for you in a snap. Fun times.

Hope Natasha's musical presentation went well. Wish I could've been there. I may be visiting Sussex in a few weeks and if so, I'd love to see ya's!