09 January 2007

Random thoughts from the sick wife :)

Yes, I am very unfortunately sick and using this post of random thoughts as a distraction from my misery.

Isn't it interesting that I decided to stop blogging and then asked Lynn if I could post sometimes on his blog, which he then re-designed for us to share, and suddenly he's disappeared and only I remain?

Just to inform anyone who might be wondering, I have not besieged my husband's blog. It's just that for right now, I'm awaiting our final move into our more permanent home, while being miserably sick and lazying around our hosts home; meanwhile Lynn is hard at work at the church, but without a computer as of yet! So I have all the time in the world to sit at the computer and blog, while Lynn is still in the process of ordering his new laptop for the church.

I promise you, he will return!

I would also like to comment about the picture Lynn chose for the new design. A dear feind had innocently commented that it seems "erotic" :). I apologize if we've made anyone uncomfortable for it is not meant to be an "erotic" picture, but rather a soft, gentle, romantic kiss - perfectly appropriate for blogdom :).

This picture was actually taken by Ryan Wiedmaier in downtown St. John. It was a scheme against me for a surprise Lynn was conjuring up.

We do seem to be outward with our affection, more than some... or maybe most. When we first started dating I was terribly shy! I tried to keep Lynn from making his random outbursts across the cafeteria or from the car window as he passed me going down the hill (at BBC)... but my efforts to control his random outbursts were completely fruitless. So I eventually learned to work with it :)

More seriously, though, when Lynn and I were falling in love, both sets of parents were experiencing extreme marriage difficulties. Two completely different situations that also had completely different outcomes led us to question love and its ability to last a lifetime. The outcome of these difficulties as they've shaped our relationship (along with the combination of our ridiculous personalities) led us to operate in our marriage out of a certain "philosphy". As Christians living in a world depraved of love, why not shout out from the rooftops that the enemy has been defeated and the love of Christ reigns in our marriage forever!? Why not reflect the love of Christ through our love for one another to people who have long since stopped believing that they could ever know a love that never fails...

This "philosphy" (for lack of a better word, and as tribute to Rev. Starks) is most certainly influenced by the innocent and unashamed love that exherts from my husband's pure heart. He is so precious and we couldn't be different even if we tried because he cannot contain his joy and love for the Lord which overflows onto his abundantly blessed wife.

So without shame, we will keep our "erotic" picture on our blog, proclaiming to all the world that love prevails!

How's that for a dramatic ending? :)


jen said...

Amen Natasha! I hope someday when (if!) I get married that my relationship with my husband will be as loving as yours and Lynn's so obviously is. :)

And I laughed at the bit about your ridiculous personalities. I miss you guys!

Unknown said...

I think the pic is great. It's a sweet shot and I'm always a sucker for kissing pictures! Kudos for keeping it. In fact I'd frame it for your house!! oh yeah baby!

Angela said...

Since I would be that "dear friend", let me back up and say I was not using 'erotic' as a negative adjective. I was just teasing-perhaps a bit thoughtlessly. I too love the picture and I would NEVER want you to change it! Please don't! I think you guys have got it right- don't feel like you need to hide your love. I was only joking. Love, love away! Sorry if I caused you heartburn or worries.

Erskine said...

Ang, no heartburn or worries! That's why I said, "innocently commented". You are fine, and I apologize if I communicated otherwise. I love your thoughts and the way you put things! Keep it up!

Kristi, we do have it framed in our house! ...with a really cool effect too, but I don't remember what's called...

Jo said...

um, i say more power to you both. i think it's sad that you even felt that you had to defend your right to post a beautiful kissing pic! who is this censoring blogdom? married christians certainly have a right to post lovingly. and who cares if it WAS 'erotic?' you're MARRIED for crying out loud--so you can be. eros is a legitimate God-designed type of love too, perfectly appropriate for marriage, and the expression thereof.

if you need a defense attourney, for a mock trial, i'm volunteering.

Jo said...

oh sorry, i was just reading past comments on other posts, and realized the original remark wasn't negative at all---so i apologize for my overly concerned response. i was just trying to be supportive.