10 January 2007

A word from Francis.

The God Whose Name Is Jealous

…True salvation is a betrothal….

…Whatever challenges Jesus' right to our hearts becomes His enemy, which He will confront. Because of His jealousy toward us as His bride, in regard to these false gods, the Lord demands we destroy these idols ourselves.

…The spirit of antichrist [that spirit which exalts self as deity] is resident in much of the church today, opposing the move of God, displaying itself as being God.

…Is there something in your soul which opposes and exalts itself above God, taking its seat in the human temple of God , displaying itself as being God? The resistance in you against God is an idol. It is the most powerful idol in the human heart.

…What mankind has done is move the pagan temples from the high places of the countryside to the hidden places of the human heart.

Every time we inwardly submit to the strongholds of fear, bitterness, and pride, we are bowing to the rulers of darkness.

Would you be holy? Then remove the idols of self and sin from within you. For holiness exists in a soul purified by love; it exudes like incense from a heart without idols.

Francis Frangapane

1 comment:

Erskine said...

You can tell when Natasha writes versus when I write. I get deep sometimes, but wife, you contribute so much depth to our blog. You contribute a lot of it to our relationship, for that matter. I love you!