25 January 2007


I'm (Lynn) sitting in a practice with Worship Team B right now. They're doing a nice job practicing, but two great things just happened.

1) We stopped and prayed for our sister who needed to sit back on the Lord for a moment. For that sister I have the following lyrics from a praise song written by someone at Christ for the Nations. (The speaker is a worshiper, speaking to Jesus.)

The more I seek You, the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love You, Jesus. I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand, lean back against You, and breathe, and feel Your heartbeat. This love is so deep; it's more than I can bear. I melt in Your peace; it's overwhelming.

2) We just had a conversation in which I found out that a few of the worship team members read this blog. Not the worship blog I set up for the church - this one. I love that! :)


Nicole said...

Hello you two!! Aaron and I were wondering where you guys ended up. Aaron called Bethany and asked for Lynn and we were told that he no longer worked there! What a surprise. Anyway, we just had a baby...can you believe it? Olivia was born Nov. 30. I can't believe that we are parents. What an amazing job!

Lor & Josh said...

this song has been in my mind and heart ALL week! I played it today on the piano. I sang it to the Lord as I fell asleep last weekend. It is my heart cry. We seek Him and find Him...He is so kind and gentle. Oh to lay back against Him and breathe. So glad you posted this song and that it has touched another in your church.

Anonymous said...

hHey Lynn:

Hope everything is going great. I am coming up in March for a couple of days and would love to connect with you guys. Email me at wright_newman@hotmail.com or mark.wright@fawcett.ca

Heather Durkee said...

Last night, some durkees sat at home and said lets call the erskines.

So we plug the cell in the charger (we were planning on a long talk and it was almost dead) and excidely dialed the canada long distance and then an erskine number.

To our sadness was an unfamiliar womans voice. Not even a good ole' Erksine.

So... did this guilt trip you into calling? Last time we talked I remember sitting outside on my porch. Its actually in the 30's now and I can't do that.

durkee's love erkines and desire a chat.

Angela said...

Morgan and I were just commenting the other day how that was our favorite song on that album...it draws our hearts in communion with the Lord in a special way. It has also become our Sunday morning pre-service weekly worship cd as we prepare our hearts in the morning at home. So good!

Judy said...

Off topic!

Jason and I tried your Ployes Stacker from your food site - but I made it with Corn Meal. Jason wheat allergy prevents us from having much of any kind of wheat in our home. It was phenomenal!!! We absolutely loved it! I'll be making that one again for sure!

Thanks for sharing!

jen said...

It was great to see you both yesterday, Erskines. :) The short visit was a huge blessing to me.