22 February 2007


I'm delighted to tell all of you that Lynn and I have a new car and a new home!

Okay... We don't actually have them yet...

Today I have renewed faith in the God who owns a thousand cattle on a thousand hills. Who is our God anyway? Did I forget that He's the God who doesn't just love me, but SO loves me!? that He doesn't do just abundantly more, but exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever think or imagine!? He doesn't even reprimand me for making foolish decisions with our money. But as he did with the prodigal, He places a ring on my finger and a robe around me, and throws an expensive party on my behalf - because He loves me! What Father doesn't delight in giving good gifts to His children?

As I was sharing and praying with a dear friend who is like a spiritual mother to me, I was reminded of my little faith and how that grieves our Father's heart. We talked about how we often assume God's heart is broken over our sin and weaknesses; when in reality, He has always known about those things. Don't you think sometimes He thinks, "But I already knew about that. It's okay!"

I think what really breaks the Father's heart is when we don't believe in Him. When we get stuck focusing on those sins or weaknesses and forget that we are more than conquerers in Christ Jesus our Lord! His desire for us to be holy goes so much further than our sins and weaknesses... In Isaiah 43, He says, "I have chosen you that you might know me and believe me and understand that I am He." In that chapter, God is speaking to th Israelites while they are in sin and He's saying, "Stop focusing on the past and pondering the things you've done wrong! Put Me into remembrance and realize that I am your Creator and I have redeemed you!!!" (Natasha's paraphrase, with some exact wording).

I am so guilty of sometimes forgetting just who it is exactly that I am serving. God's heart is for me to know Him and believe Him and understand just how big and full of love He really is! That truth really has nothing to do with a car or a house; but I do have renewed faith in the Lord's provision. He is a good God of abundant blessings and I intend to hold Him to it!


Owen said...

What an inspiring post for me today. I needed to be encouraged, and you did just that- thanks.

Brenda said...

Wow! That is all I can say~ Well written and SO TRUE.

Sarah Beth said...

Hey Natasha,

First, it seems that things are going really well for the two of you in Truro and that is great, and congratulations on the house and car! Hopefully we'll get more details later and maybe even some pictures.

I was going to write about how I have been struggling recently with trusting God for his provision, specifically in the area of finances and I had even wondered if maybe I had made foolish decisions with money and whether or not that could effect God's provision for us. I even worried that I would put my trust in Him and believe him for a miracle (which I knew I could), and then it wouldn't happen, and then what would I do.

Well, while all of this is true, and I guess I did just kind of write about it anyway, I am so happy to be able to say that before I had a chance to write, we got a phone call saying that someone has given us money in an amount that will cover what we need. Our prayers have been answered, and I can only give the glory to God! My faith has also been renewed in my God who is able to do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine!

Sorry for such a long comment, but it's neat when someone is in a similar spot, and I just wanted to share.

P.S. We would love to get together with you guys sometime. Maybe we can plan something sometime.