09 February 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

I may be the only person on earth who has not yet seen this movie. I've been psyched about it until recently when a friend said to me, "Honestly, it's not that good. It has no plot. But quoting it is really funny!" If that's the case, maybe I'll just eavesdrop on everyone's conversations and fit in with good quotes. If the movie's not that good, why the hype?


Anonymous said...

"It's only like the best movie ever, GOSH!"

Billings said...

Lynn you rock, I want to hang with you more often. And I agree with the Jew.

Erskine said...

Hmmm...a bunch of guys think it's good when they watch it together, and at least one girl calls it a guy movie. Sounds like Zoolander. I'm in! (Maybe someone will want to go to my house and watch Princess Diaries 2 with the woman-of-my-dreams-and-now-my-reality while I go watch this flick.)

By the way, Jonny B., I've heard that rumor recently and welcome hang time with open arms.

b.rando said...

i was slightly disappointed when i first saw it, but i was also tired and watching it with my lovely wife - who doesn't always share my odd sense of humour. i watched it again with a friend and enjoyed it much more. there are many subtleties that one doen't pick up until later via memory or a subsequent viewing.

i would say it does have a plot - it is just very subtle and the scenes don't always have anything to do with it. try watching it more as art than as story.

and don't watch it alone. it's definitely a "group of guys" movie.