02 May 2007

A Miracle.

Yesterday, we saw a miracle. For the second time, our computer just died. It all of a sudden just wouldn't turn on. We had paid to have it fixed not too long ago and we have no more money to put into a computer right now. Lynn also had Greek homework due last night and thus needed the Bible study software and resources on this computer. So we prayed...

While Lynn was at work I said, "Lord, this is just not okay. It is, actually, unacceptable. You know we need this computer and we don't have the time or finances to make this thing work. For the sake of you Name, Lord, fix this computer!"

Lynn came home a few hours later and tried the computer. It didn't work. We said, "Lord there are no if's, and's, or but's about this one. You just need to make this work."

Lo and behold... it turned on!

We weren't yelling at God or wielding some manipulative power over Him. We just knew His will and this broken computer was not matching up with His will. So we boldly declared it to be fixed and God did it. We were so blessed by this miracle and immediately praised the Lord. He was with us! He heard our prayer and answered it immediately. Praise His holy, gracious Name!!

This has helped build our faith for the many things we are believing God for right now! In particular, the finances for our home, and the right job for me.

"Did I not say that if you will believe Me, you will see the glory of God!" John 11:40


Owen said...

Fun Stuff. Is this the new Mac you are having problems on?

Erskine said...

Nope! Not the Mac. Our older HP laptop that has become our home computer.

Elizabeth said...

It couldn't be the Mac!

Dena said...

Congrats on your techno miracle. I must say, Ell and I each have a Mac laptop, mine is almost a year old and Ell's is about 6-8 months. Mine may be the only Mac in the world to be possesed! But I have a way with technology. Things magically corrupt, erase, disappear, and fail in my presence. Maybe that's why my Mac does strange things...although I am still a fan in general.

Dena said...

By the way, I'm getting antsy. It's been over two months since we have seen a new recipe. I can't keep eating squash soup forever!

Erskine said...

No Mac issues. None. :) Stay tuned for recipes. (We're not even in our own home yet!) (Lynn)

Unknown said...

home schmome....my baby's getting hungry.....