11 May 2007

A question.

(Editorial insert from Lynn: "Turnips" are now on recipe blog.)

I have a question. Please respond if you legitimately have an opinion.

Should I open up my other blog, a more personal journal, to be read publicly?

Here's the thing... I canceled my other blog ages ago because I found it difficult to balance sharing the private thoughts of my heart with "fellowshipping" casually among friends in this world of blogdom. I needed a outlet while I was on my internship, and thus started a blog... but didn't realize my own susceptibility to the comparisons that can easily take place when we begin sharing personal things about our journey with the Lord, etc on our blogs.

I then joined Lynn's blog - this blog - which He in turn transformed into a romantic expression of our oneness as only he would... However, now I find that He rarely blogs, I often blog, and comments are made mostly by the same females who had commented on my previous blog! So what have I accomplished in changing over to this blog? ...very little.

The problem is... I really enjoy sharing my thoughts with you. The Lord is often leading me to write and it burns within me to share... So I opened a new blog as my own personal journal that is not opened to anyone to read except Lynn. I have tried to keep this one more casual and focused on the happenings of mine and Lynn's life, a casual opportunity to keep in touch with friends. However, I still find myself sharing personal things on this blog because I really want to share. Sometimes I write in my other blog and its everything I can do not to copy and paste into this one where people can read it and share their thoughts...

Here's what I'm thinking... Keep this blog a family blog for Lynn and I (hopefully he will blog more...) and open up my other blog to be read by others... (though I may not allow for comments yet only because of my own susceptibility to get caught up in what you think...)

Does anyone else struggle with the line between personal journaling and casually keeping in contact with people? Does anyone else feel the susceptibility to compare your posts to someone else's? as though one could be more "spiritual" or better than another?


Elizabeth said...

I love blogs that reveal the whole person. Everyday stuff is great...fun, funny, enlightening etc. We can learn a lot about a person, and we, as readers, can relax and enjoy a break as we read these stories. But stories only about day to day stuff with our kids, jobs or whatever generally don't reveal to the reader the WHOLE you. So, I guess it really depends on what you want known about you.

My blog is a ministry I felt the Lord call me to, believe it or not. I don't know who He plans on reaching through it, or why He would choose to use the writings about my life and journey to reach other people, but I felt the call clear as a bell, and so I obey it by writing about whatever subjects I feel the Lord pressing on my heart. It ends up mostly being about the Lord, with a sprinkling of stories about the everyday life He's given me. But, that doesn't mean He has called us all to the same thing.

I think that if you open your blog up to share deep things that you are learning of the Lord, you need to consider two things:

1) It is one way you can fulfill the Lord's desire for believers to edify and encourage each other with our walks with Him. When we keep our journey with the Lord private, He is less able to use our testimony, our struggles, or our questions to work in the lives of others. We also, in turn, give others less opportunity to give us fresh perspectives, or to edify and encourage us.

2) I think you also need to be prepared to entertain other people's beliefs and perspectives about the Lord. If you present a situation, an opinion, or even a core belief to the public, it should be under the understanding that people may have different thoughts than you do. Some people have trouble with this part, but I personally think it's just another way that the Lord can speak to you, the blogger...either to give you a new perspective, or to solidify what He's already shown you.

Woah...that was a long response. (Sorry!) I say, go for it. Let your life and walk be an example to your readers, and let your readers edify and encourage you, and help to shape you in your walk.

Erskine said...


I appreciate your response! Thank you for sharing your ideas and heart behind blogging :)

I have a slightly different perspective at this point, because I do not feel a "call" to blog. It is simply one expression of my thoughts and life.

I do relate, though, with what an opportunity it is to express my whole person, and to grow together with other believers. I think that is why I enjoy it so much.

Sarah Beth said...

I have always been one to compare myself to others and I find it no different in the blogging world. My posts tend not to be very spiritual and I compare myself to others who do more spiritual posts and think maybe I should be more like that. I also compare the situations others post about with my own life and think, why can't I be more like that? It's hard for me. But that said, I still love reading what people post, whatever the subject.

Angela said...

I realize I am a little late in responding to you, and I'm afraid this will be short as I only have one hand to type. (the other is holding a sleeping baby).
I echo your thoughts and feelings on blogging. I have struggled with the same issues of comparison (as Sarah also mentioned) and thus my blog has become more superficial over time. I don't feel it a ministry or a specific calling, just entertainment on my part, so I feel that if being more personal causes me to be tempted to give in to the prideful inclination to compare myself with others, then I should avoid it. I know others might not agree with this reasoning (why not eradicate the problem), but I feel that this is the way that I can eradicate the problem, until the Lord hopefully does a deeper work within my heart someday and I will no longer struggle with comparing myself to others.
I admit, it is a bit of a relief to know that others on blogdom feel the same way and have the same struggles.
I am glad, as your friend, that you have opened up your blog, because I always love to hear what the Lord is doing in your life. It inspires me. But I also empathize with your struggle.
If I post something 'spiritual' or personal, I want it to be completely 100% me...not something I'm trying to make sound impressive or as good as someone elses. Many times I feel bad if I haven't had a 'revelation' like someone else has or I worry too much about what people will think if I reveal my true struggles and battles. More than just my close friends read my blog. My inlaws read it; church people read it; relatives read it. So I choose very carefully what I put on my blog.
When I started my blog, the purpose was solely to keep in touch with friends. It has served that purpose and for that I continue to enjoy it. The fact that I get inspiration from other people's stories is a plus. Occasionally, I might share mine, but I choose carefully what I share.
If I felt the Lord asking me to share something (as I have on occasion), I have been obedient. But this is a rareity with me.
Anyways, this is much babbling. I now have 2 hands free so I of course wrote more and the 'short post' thing was only just a farce to get you to read on. :-)
Just kidding. Much love.