11 May 2007

Why I Blog Infrequently

A new post is better than commenting on Natasha's post below, particularly since we are sharing about two different topics.

Contrary to popular rumors, I check our blog frequently. I actually spend time reading it regularly. I have two excuses for not posting more frequently:

1) Natasha often posts, and I see little need to have two posts per day on a regular basis. She often posts about things we discuss, and I rarely have a better way of writing what she expresses. We think more alike all the time.

2) I post infrequently for the same reason I suspect many people we know post infrequently. We tend to think of good blogging ideas at inopportune times. Let's not lie; I forget what I want to write. I'm no less opinionated. I just exercise good time management at work (meaning I rarely open our blog there); I like staying active in the community (meaning I don't take my blog with me everywhere I go); and I can't remember everything I think or do in the run of a day or week. :)

There you have it.

1 comment:

Angela said...

lol I liked #2- very well said. :-)
I also am glad I'm not the only one who doesn't remember what I thought would be a great post 4 hours ago.