13 July 2007

Long Vaca

This has been the longest vacation of my life. We originally took this vaca so that we could actually go to Beulah, see some people we rarely get to see, and enjoy some necessary time away from "real life." Then came Friday, 29 June. That's the afternoon it became obvious that we would indeed close on our house. That was good news, particularly because we had already requested vaca and could move without interfering with "real life." So, beginning 6 July we moved. We had a FLEET of people who were extremely generous with their time and muscles (especially with the piano and boxsprings). Everything seemed ducky the first day or two. The next several days were spent moving things around, unpacking, cleaning, mowing, etc. I kept thinking, "I've got to get out of Dodge!" By the time we did, I was so exhausted that I hardly enjoyed any of it till last night.

Now we're at the in-laws' house and I'm enjoying the time away. The only trouble is that we have to be back home by Monday. No Beulah, no Wesleyan friends, no planned vaca. This ten-day vaca has turned into what feels like an eternity, except for these few days without responsibility. These are flying by. Sometimes growing up sucks. At least we're going to the Island tomorrow.... :)


Anonymous said...

Why do you complain when you have it so good you had people to help you move, you have a house, and you get a vacation. Lots of people don't have any of these things..... Growing up sucks but you have it easy... so suck it up and move on

Maria Purviance said...

what's your deal? they were just talking, i don't really know lynn and natasha...but from reading their blog, they don't even seem like the type of people who complain much. they are just stating that their vacation is not what they thought it would be. it seems to me that they are very grateful people, so you need to just calm yourself down, and stop writing mean comments on people's blogs

Sarah Beth said...

We didn't get to Beulah either and it made me sad. We had a great vacation in Seattle and we were originally planning to go to Beulah when we got back but just before we left for Seattle I got a new job and I needed to be back for it, plus our car is having issues so we couldn't go. But it makes me happier knowing that we didn't miss you guys because you guys were some of the people we were most looking forward to seeing. Congratulations on the new house! Call us when you're settled and want visitors :)