10 July 2007

Settling In

We're settling into the new place quite nicely. It took no time for this to feel like home. The more boxes we unpack, the more we see "home" coming into place. After living such transient lives in the last year or so, this feels really good. It's encouraging to settle into a place in which we already envision life unfolding. As I write, I'm in our downstairs family/small group room, imagining the people we'll host, the transformation we'll witness, the family development we'll enjoy. When we set up the piano and music bookshelf yesterday, I envisioned the music we could write, the practice hours our future children will hopefully have, the lessons we would strive to teach. At Canadian Tire yesterday, with a set of branch cutters/pruners in my hands, I envisioned removing the vine from our chimney, allowing the chimney to breathe and look beautiful again. (Okay, so that last one wasn't sentimental. It's a personal thing between me and all the plants in our yard.) We even put on the propane woodstove in the basement last night for good measure. (We just couldn't keep it on because it's summer.) :)

Where does all this lead? It leads us to praise the Lord again! Too many people I know would chalk this up to life happening and sentimentality, and perhaps those things are present. One thing I know with certainty is that God is truly here in this home. It is the peace of Christ that pervades my soul as I reflect this morning. It is an overwhelming understanding that this is the Lord's house that gives me such confidence in what we'll see. We're still settling in and likely will be for weeks. However, these are good times. Good, good times. (It helps that we found Laura's Scripture sketches two days ago, too!)



His Beloved said...

Congratulations on your new home!! That's so exciting! :) Hopefully someday I'll be able to visit.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new home!!!! Oh.....I can't wait to settle in....so what does it feel like to have all your stuff out of storage :) like Christmas all over?
Miss you guys we need to catch you all up on what is happening.