21 November 2005

It Always Happens Like This

Have you ever wondered whether anyone really gets you? I mean really. There are days when I think if it weren't for Natasha I'd go out of my mind. I'd go out of my mind because I just don't run into people on my "page" in the run of an average day. Assumptions, expectations, and selfishness tend to keep us humans from really connecting, and even when we do we find we're all on different pages. That's life, right? I'm used to this by now, since I've felt this way most of my life. (In other words, yes, I'm strange.) This weekend Natasha and I had the extreme pleasure of talking with a guy we've known for awhile (who I won't name for sake of his own embarrassment) for a little over three hours. I had to admit to him that I hadn't had that kind of connection with someone for that long in a long time. There are guys I'll talk to for anything, but most of them don't live in Sussex anymore. I didn't realize I needed the refreshment of talking without explaining myself all the time. I didn't realize how much I needed a deep and personal conversation without wondering if it's too deep. I didn't realize how much I needed a three-hour conversation in which I wasn't the one doing most of the talking. It always happens like this with me. I don't necessarily realize a need before God meets it.

1 comment:

Erskine said...

Hey, MK! Yeah, the meeting was amazing. I won't say much more than that because my rule of thumb with guys is that I don't air dirty or clean laundry. What's said in private stays there. Rest assured, though, the Lord was a blessing to us both!