14 November 2005

Nothing Like It

There is nothing like seeing the Lord truly move in ways you only dreamed he could previously. I'm part of a ministry right now that has allowed the opportunity for vulnerability and openness among the participants that I never thought would really happen. The point of the ministry is not vulnerability, but vulnerability certainly allows people to grow and opens them up to face the Lord. He is good, and His mercies truly endure forever! It seems as though my vulnerable times often turn out to be my deepest spiritual times. That being said, why is vulnerability so scary? We can trust the Lord with our vulnerability, right?


Judy said...

vulnerability is scary for me because i don't trust people...and frankly, more often than not, i don't trust God either. it's something that has to be worked out of me...something that has grown so deep inside me.

Heather Durkee said...

sounds awesome Lynn. As pastors, we don't want to show how vulnerable we are because we feel like we have this spiritual level to attain. Often, we are not even at this level but just pretend or let people think we are farther along than we are. People also are not accepting that their pastor might be stuggling or still growing like the they are. They want a non-existant perfection.

I often stuggle being vulnerable because I was taught to just go on and not elude to what is going on. Adam always shows me how to be real. He is always himself.

We need to get past facades (can't spell tonight) about where we should be or people's expectations of us. We need to please the Father and no one else.

Rachael said...

Yes we can trust God with our vulnerability, but its taking the next step and alowing ourselves to be vulnerable with others, that is the hard part. God can be trusted...HE doesnt hurt us, but Humans can....

Judy said...

I agree Rachelle.