18 June 2006

His Love Endures Forever

Psalm 136 has always stricken me as something different. The obvious reason is because every phrase is interrupted with the statement "His love endures forever." The more time I've spent with the Lord, the more moving this statement becomes. The Hebrew writer who originally penned Psalm 136 used the word "hesed" for "love." "Hesed" is an undying, faithful, merciful, gracious, boundless, perfect love that only God can express (this side of eternity, anyway). Once in prayer I read the whole psalm, but I changed the statement to "His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever." I may or may not have cried like a little girl for an hour or so.

Think about it: His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.

Meditate on this awhile and try a couple of verses for yourself. For me it would be like this:

I responded to God's leading
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
And prepared for His ministry.
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
I met Natasha
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
And we are enjoying a fabulous marriage.
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
We have never needed a thing
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
And we're even able to bless others.
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
Now we're on Natasha's internship
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.
With great expectations for changed hearts and lives to the glory of God!
His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever.

This could continue for days, but you get the idea. His undying, boundless, perfect love endures forever in everything we encounter! My prayer is that the love we're learning to have for Him will bless His name as we grow in an undying, boundless, perfect love relationship with Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lynn- so i think i'm going to send an email your way but I am pretty sure I don't have the new email or are you still using the one from BBC?
Melisa Male