27 June 2006

So Many Reasons to Praise

There are so many thigns to post about this morning, but my heart literally soared when I read Psalm 145 today. (If you're reading the Bible layout that I am, you will be blessed!) It seemed as though each phrase rings true in my life as it looks this morning. One of these days, Elizabeth, you or someone around you should really write a song about this one. (Actually, I've sung one, but it was a classical choral piece. I'm talking about a regular church worship song/hymn.)

The Lord is indeed great! I like how verse three says no one can measure His greatness. The KJV says that His greatness is unsearchable. I, for one, have tried on many occasions to search the Lord's greatness. I've tried to compare it to things we understand. This is fruitless, though. The Lord's greatness surpasses even the word "great" itself. Were I to list the Lord's mighty acts (verse four), it would take awhile. For good measure, here are a few:

1) Mom and Ron are here safely, enjoying Northern Maine.

2) The Lord opened many opportunities for us to talk about miracles and faith with them, and we've only been together less than 24 hours!

3) Natasha needed some clothes because her old ones were worn before we moved. Of those that weren't worn, the Lord prompted her to give some to the poor before we left Sussex. We aren't yet stable enough for a new wardrobe. The Lord still came through and provided several new garments from a lady in the church!

4) The Lord has opened a door of ministry for Natasha and me after her internship. Origianlly, I had no interest in the ministry. However, the Lord opened my eyes a few weeks ago. In some time with the Lord on Friday I sensed that this ministry is really our next step. Yesterday I received a call from a pastor asking us/me to come meet the selection committee and church. (Yeah, I know this is the first time most of you are hearing about this. Maybe some day I'll post the whole testimony. For now I'm sitting back and watching something God told me unfold before my very eyes.)

5) McKenzie got his spacer yesterday, and his confidence didn't seem shaken when I saw him.

6) Elizabeth's song on Sunday afternoon has ministered to me, giving words to an expression for which my heart has longed lately. There is no looking back for me!

7) Laura, Chris, Adam, and Pam are all in their respective ministries abroad. This is a great reason to miss friends!

8) Josh e-mailed me. I haven't e-mailed him back yet, but this is a brother with whom I feel connected, though we've rarely talked. He'll be on North America soon, and I'll be able to tell him what an encouragement he is to me.

9) The Lord doesn't have to follow normal immigration patterns. Jeremiah will be able to be married soon after all!

10) The Holy Spirit is moving among many churches with or without amazing music teams, with or without dynamic speakers, with or without programs. His signs and wonders are on the increase, as He shows the real Church (body of Christ) exactly who He really is!

Right, just a few. Ten didn't even scratch the surface! At least we'll have a lot to tell the next generation (verse four). Even when I'm not in my spiritual "A-game," the Lord is tender and gracious. We all know He's more than a tender Lord, but His anger and fury are NEVER separated from His love and mercy. How? Who knows? His greatness is immeasurable, remember? He ALWAYS keeps His promises. ALWAYS! He ALWAYS helps the fallen. ALWAYS! He is ALWAYS close to those who call on Him. ALWAYS! He ALWAYS protects those who love Him (with the safety Dr. Wilson preached about Sunday). ALWAYS!



Anonymous said...

Amen. Amen. Amen. I think it was Brennan Manning who used the phrase "My thoughts can't contain His glory" which prompted me to write a song about that at one point. My words can't express His worth, though I'll try and try and try. He is far beyond all that I can imagine. He is so much more than I can ever describe. He is good, He is good, He is good. Bless His holy and matchless name!

PS I keep a list in my Bible of Scriptures as they capture me, that I feel the Lord will put to song thorugh me at some point. Psalm 145 is on my list!

MacP said...

I was just commenting to Ang about how deep and cool your posts are. Lynn, you really need to think about writting a devotional book. I'm amazed that I got work with someone like you.

jen said...

1) Mom and Ron are here safely, enjoying Northern Maine.

My stepdad's name is Ron. This bullet caused me to do a double take, and then to laugh out loud. Strange coincidences! :)

Praise the Lord for His many and abundant blessings! He is good!

Sarah Beth said...

Amen to all of of what you said and thank you for that. Your words are so true, and need to be remembered.