09 July 2006

Finding a Wife

I have avoided allowing this blog to be "mine" for several weeks now. There hasn't been much personal expression aside from my responses to the Lord. This morning, though, we'll get a little of both.

Proverbs 18:22 was part of today's reading. It says, "The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord." Guess what I thought of right away? Yes, my wife. Natasha is certainly a treasure, and she may be very embarrassed that I'm writing this. Too bad; she didn't mind any other spiritual reflection, so she can bear with this one.

If anything expresses the favor I've found with the Lord, it's the wife with whom He blessed me. Natasha is a treasure, and I tell her that. You could start with the fact that her eyes sparkle like light sapphires or that her hair looks and feels like silk. That would be selling her short, though. The way her smile can warm up an entire room and her voice can bring calm into a tense situation only scratches the part of her surface that I can write about here.

1) I've never met anyone like Natasha who so earnestly longs to love the lord and please Him. She constantly brings herself before Him in prayer, always ready to grow or move if God says so. He refines her like precious silver.

2) I've never met anyone like Natasha who genuinely loves so many people. She even loves those uncomfortable people that no one knows how to treat! God has given her a heart of gold.

3) Elsewhere in Proverbs the author states that a good wife is her husband's crown. In other words, a good wife is what makes a husband most proud. I am always very proud to take Natasha out, whether it's on a date, to the church, or just to be out. I feel like a better person when she's around.

4) Natasha cultivates peace around her. I'm a person who could stay out without going home for hours if I'm on my own. (In fact, when Natasha travels I enjoy finding things to do so I'm not home alone.) However, since I've been married I look forward to coming home and sitting down with my wife. God has clothed her with a garment of peace.

5) Natasha has been given more beauty than I can understand. In the middle of this posting she came in to make sure her dress was modest. She looks beautiful in the dress, but she's also concerned about how she's presenting herself as a daughter of the King. She realizes that true beauty comes from within and chooses, therefore, not to misuse clothing to grab people's attention or to create a false sense of beauty. Instead, she prays for a modest presence that is clothed with fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

6) She sings all the time. Usually she sings her praise to the Lord in a way that I know the Holy Spirit is sitting with us in the living room. (Actually, the Holy Spirit is her best friend - they do tea.)

7) Natasha wears a crown of wisdom. She's human, so she doesn't think perfectly. However, I am positive that I can count on one hand the times she has made a mistake or has been flat out incorrect. It's because she processes everything in wisdom and prayer. She brings me back down to earth but remains excited when she knows something good is about to happen.

8) The Lord and Natasha have a fabulous relationship. I alluded to it above, but I'm serious. She loves Him so much, and He constantly pursues her with His love, grace, mercy, presence, peace, wisdom, power, goodness, faithfulness, teaching, blessings, corrections, etc., etc., etc. I've even asked before how it is that I could be yoked to her. The Lord always answers, "Because I'm gracious and pursue you both." That's good stuff!

9) Natasha is pure. (That's strong, but it's true. I'm not going to make it cloudy by trying to expound on something so obvious.)

10) Natasha is refreshing. Spending an hour with her will leave almost anyone feeling as though they have value and worth they didn't understand. Her innocence and wisdom team up to communicate God's truth and her inner beauty every day. She makes people feel comfortable most of the time. Her insights empower others to sing a lifesong to empower others. She's just plain fun, too. Her great sense of humor in this mix is just as refreshing as her depth. Incredible!

Imagine, all this from Proverbs 18:22! It's amazing to reflect on the favor I've found in the Lord through my fabulous wife. There's more to say, as I'm finding every day. I'm still learning about her and will likely be able to build on this in the future. (Proverbs 31 will come at some point, so maybe the Lord will prompt me for something like this again.) A quick note to my cherished beloved: Natasha, remember that this post is a reflection on Proverbs 18:22. I assume, then, that you're not going to try and turn this around to try and make this about me. I love you!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Lynn, your words of truth make me miss my dear friend even more.
Every bit of it was true. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband to her!