01 July 2006

Finding Him Alone

Lately my posts have been reflections on the Scripture readings the Lord provided for this year. That may continue on any given day, but I'm not going to go that direction this morning. Sure, there's still a lot to say about the Lord's acts among His people. I guess this morning's post has a little bit more to do about His acts in me.

My journey with the Lord began awhile ago and has always been fairly serious. Like I heard in part of a sermon Scott played for me yesterday, the Lord has been removing layers from my personal understanding of Him over time. It seems in the past six months to a year that He has removed more layers (or bigger layers). He is in the middle of removing a big one right now. The layer He's removing right now is undefinable at this point. I only know that He's guiding me to find Him alone.

What's funny is that this isn't the first time I've been led to seek only Him. That's a recurring theme in my spiritual journey. Still, I'm learning more about that all the time. The pictures Scott showed me yesterday have impacted me, but I can't describe how. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I can almost feel the Holy Spirit removing something from me. Even in prayer this morning, I wasn't as free to intercede because the Holy Spirit kept saying, "Seek the Lord!"

So, here I am again, walking into the unknown. Like I said last week about the "Unknown God," that's a really good thing. If you are a kindred spirit, please pray with me that I will find the Lord (and only the Lord) in this transition time when the Lord continues to make me more like Him.

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