17 July 2006

What Is It?

What is it about people? I'm a people person - love people. Even still, what is it about people that tests my patience (or your patience, or whoever's patience)? Life in a community has so many positive things to offer, but our inability to approach one another on common ground quickly becomes frustrating at times. This morning I've considered people who encourage my pursuit of God. Then I started thinking about some other people with whom I have unresolved issues (like my car insurance provider). How quickly I went from peacefully rejoicing in the Lord to a sense of near annoyance!

You know, the problem isn't people; the problem is me. I make remarks or take actions that are best from my perspective. Another person in their perspective wants another set of actions. Instead of adopting the mind of Christ to serve, love, and seek reconciliary understanding, I assume I'm in the right and plug ahead, annoyed. My annoyance, whether justified or not, is pointing out my own selfishness this morning. May this be a day in which I see a fresh side of the Lord to humble my selfish attitude!

1 comment:

jen said...

I also have unresolved issues with my car insurance provider. It is indeed frustrating.

PS: I wondered how long your last blogging streak would go, then how long the reprieve would be... You amazed me in both respects! :) I still have a lot of entries to catch up on. I'm thinking about printing all the ones I've missed and reading them on the plane. They should last me a good 5 hours or so, I think. Anyway I'm rambling and you probably don't care! :)

(My word verification is "ryhmdo" which at first looked like rhyno. Weird.)