12 July 2006

Through Faith

It is through faith that a righteous person has life (Rom 1:17). This statement comes right after the famous verse, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation...." Faith in that Gospel, faith in that power of salvation, faith in the One behind what we believe. That is what brings life.

Look around our churches and Christian groups for a moment. How many of these groups are full of life? How many of the groups are full of people with life? The church in which I have membership has many people with life. It also has many people who seem to have life on the outside. The pastor tries his best to keep a positive mental attitude and to encourage the congregation to do the same. One churhc in which he grew up (or the first one he pastored - can't remember) was "dead." He must have vowed never to have that, so he expends a lot of energy trying to bring life to the church. He does this through music, through big programs, through outreach, through uniquely designed services, and through his broad mission statement. At the end of the day, only those with faith in the church are really alive. The pastor's life doesn't come through any positive attitude, an outgoing personality, or another program. (He and his staff are likely working very hard at deepening their faith and the faith of those who come through their doors!)

Are you and I giving into a temptation to find life in a positive "Christian" attitude? What about exciting "Christian" programs/works? Or, at the end of the day, are our minds free from the questions that make us wonder if all that attitude and works amount to anything?

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